Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 6 - This is going to hurt...

Distance - 4 miles
Time - 28:51
Pace - 7:13
Conditions - 60 degrees, overcast, breezy, miserable

There is a phrase that I think most runners have used at least a few times during their lives that pretty much sum up today's run - "Death March."  It's hard to explain to someone that has never ran a half marathon how bad you hurt the following couple of days, but I can tell you it is pretty miserable.  Just going from sitting to standing and vice versa is pretty difficult, so I knew the run today was going to be pretty rough.  Getting out of bed today was bad enough.  Coach K used to make us run 10+ miles the day after a race and I still believe it is the best way to work that soreness/gunk out of your legs.  I think I iced every square inch of my legs after the run today.

The next race on the agenda is the Warrior Dash June 18th, which is honestly going to be more of a party than a race.  I would like to do a race between now and then, so we will see if I can work something out.  Maybe a 5k or 10k to see if there is any speed left in these old legs.  The training program I plan on doing for the full marathon in September doesn't techincally start until May 22nd (the day after my wedding, go figure) so I plan to just stay fit and keep my base between now and then.

Hopefully the legs feel a little better tomorrow, but I'm not going to hold my breath...

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